MK Battery M17 Sealed AGM Battery
Sku: M17-12 SLD MStarting at: $219.00 USD
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- Deep Cycle Premium sealed batteries capable of up to 500 cycles that are fully laboratory tested.
- Gelled/Suspended Electrolyte No liquid of any kind; battery is completely sealed. Safe in any position.
- Maintenance Free Water is never added; low liability
- Travel & Ship Easily MK batteries are F.A.A, IATA, and UPS approved.
Benefits of an Advanced Gel/Sealed Battery
- Battery technology has changed tremendously in just the past few years. In fact, size-for-size, MK's advanced gel/sealed batteries deliver more power and more consistent performance than other types and brands of mobility batteries.
- Last longer than comparable wet lead/acid and marine batteries.
- Are approved for airline and public transportation.
- Do not need to be fully discharged before recharging.
- Do not develop a 'memory' that limits their recharging.
- Do not need to be recharged with lower amps than wet lead/acid batteries.
- Will not automatically discharge if put on concrete.
Battery Type: AGM Voltage: 12V Amp Rating: Capacity at 5hr RATE 12AH Capacity at 20hr RATE 15.3AH Capacity at 100hr RATE 18AH Dimensions:
Reserve Capacity 30 minutes Maximum Discharge Current for 30 seconds : 360A Maximum Discharge Current for 5 seconds : 720A Operating Temperature Range Charge 0°C(32°F) to 40°C (104°F) Discharge -15°C(5°F) to 50°C (122°F) Storage -15°C(5°F) to 40°C (104°F) Charge Retention (shelf life) at 20°C (68°F) 1 month 92% 3 month 90% 6 month 80% Charging Methods at 25°C (77°F) Cycle use : Charging Voltage 14.4 to 15.0V Maximum Charging Current 5.4A Standby use : Float Charging Voltage 13.50 to 13.80V No current limit required Life expectancy : Cycle Use : 100% depth of discharge 250 cycles 80% depth of discharge 350 cycles 50% depth of discharge 550 cycles Standby Use : 3~5 years Case Material ABS (94-HB & 94V-0 flame retardant case)Terminal F3 GEL vs. AGM Sealed Batteries AGM (absorbed glass mat) is a special design glass mat designed to wick the battery electrolyte between the battery plates. AGM batteries contain only enough liquid to keep the mat wet with the electrolyte and if the battery is broken no free liquid is available to leak out. Gel Cell batteries contain a silica type gel that the battery electrolyte is suspended in, this thick paste like material allows electrons to flow between plates but will not leak from the battery if the case is broken. More often than not an AGM Batteries are mistakenly identified as a Gel Cell Batteries. Both batteries have similar traits; such as being non spillable, deep cycle, may be mounted in any position, low self discharge, safe for use in limited ventilation areas, and may be transported via Air or Ground safely without special handling. AGM Batteries outsell Gel Cell by at least a 100 to 1. AGM is preferred when a high burst of amps may be required. In most cases recharge can be accomplished by using a good quality standard battery charger or engine alternator. The life expectancy; measured as cycle life or years remains excellent in most AGM batteries if the batteries are not discharged more than 60% between recharge. Gel Cell Batteries are typically a bit more costly and do not offer the same power capacity as do the same physical size AGM battery. The Gel Cell excels in slow discharge rates and slightly higher ambient operating temperatures. One big issue with Gel Batteries that must be addressing is the CHARGE PROFILE. Gel Cell Batteries must be recharged correctly or the battery will suffer premature failure. The battery charger being used to recharge the battery(s) must be designed or adjustable for Gel Cell Batteries. If you are using an alternator to recharge a true Gel Cell a special regulator must be installed. If you are unsure which battery or charger is best for your application, please call or email our tech people for help making the correct selection. |
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Battery Type: AGM Voltage: 12V Amp Rating: Capacity at 5hr RATE 12AH Capacity at 20hr RATE 15.3AH Capacity at 100hr RATE 18AH Dimensions:
Reserve Capacity 30 minutes Maximum Discharge Current for 30 seconds : 360A Maximum Discharge Current for 5 seconds : 720A Operating Temperature Range Charge 0°C(32°F) to 40°C (104°F) Discharge -15°C(5°F) to 50°C (122°F) Storage -15°C(5°F) to 40°C (104°F) Charge Retention (shelf life) at 20°C (68°F) 1 month 92% 3 month 90% 6 month 80% Charging Methods at 25°C (77°F) Cycle use : Charging Voltage 14.4 to 15.0V Maximum Charging Current 5.4A Standby use : Float Charging Voltage 13.50 to 13.80V No current limit required Life expectancy : Cycle Use : 100% depth of discharge 250 cycles 80% depth of discharge 350 cycles 50% depth of discharge 550 cycles Standby Use : 3~5 years Case Material ABS (94-HB & 94V-0 flame retardant case)Terminal F3 GEL vs. AGM Sealed Batteries AGM (absorbed glass mat) is a special design glass mat designed to wick the battery electrolyte between the battery plates. AGM batteries contain only enough liquid to keep the mat wet with the electrolyte and if the battery is broken no free liquid is available to leak out. Gel Cell batteries contain a silica type gel that the battery electrolyte is suspended in, this thick paste like material allows electrons to flow between plates but will not leak from the battery if the case is broken. More often than not an AGM Batteries are mistakenly identified as a Gel Cell Batteries. Both batteries have similar traits; such as being non spillable, deep cycle, may be mounted in any position, low self discharge, safe for use in limited ventilation areas, and may be transported via Air or Ground safely without special handling. AGM Batteries outsell Gel Cell by at least a 100 to 1. AGM is preferred when a high burst of amps may be required. In most cases recharge can be accomplished by using a good quality standard battery charger or engine alternator. The life expectancy; measured as cycle life or years remains excellent in most AGM batteries if the batteries are not discharged more than 60% between recharge. Gel Cell Batteries are typically a bit more costly and do not offer the same power capacity as do the same physical size AGM battery. The Gel Cell excels in slow discharge rates and slightly higher ambient operating temperatures. One big issue with Gel Batteries that must be addressing is the CHARGE PROFILE. Gel Cell Batteries must be recharged correctly or the battery will suffer premature failure. The battery charger being used to recharge the battery(s) must be designed or adjustable for Gel Cell Batteries. If you are using an alternator to recharge a true Gel Cell a special regulator must be installed. If you are unsure which battery or charger is best for your application, please call or email our tech people for help making the correct selection. |
A battery will be replaced with a free equivalent at any of our dealers if it fails due to defects inmaterials or workmanship within thirteen (13) months from date of initial installation only. A batteryused in a mobility application rated lower than 20 amp hours will be replaced with a free equivalent atany of our dealers if it fails due to defects in materials or workmanship within six (6) months from dateof installation. Proof of date of purchase/installation required for all claims. Qualified MK Batterydistributors are authorized to execute this warranty; however, they must call MK Battery (800-372-9253), for shipment of replacement or credit prior to disposal of the defective product. Normally, returnto MK Battery is not required however MK Battery reserves the right to require return and the method ofshipment. Upon receipt of the defective battery, MK Battery will process the claim and reimburse forany direct freight costs as authorized by MK Battery.
This warranty does not cover failures in service due to the following conditions:1. Unauthorized modifications or alternations to the products.2. Negligence, accident, abuse, misuses including improper jump starting, or improper, unsuitable orabnormal storage of the products.3. Improperly installed or applied batteries. Improperly charged (either under or over) batteries.Opening of batteries that are designed and intended in use as sealed products.4. Physical damage due to acts of nature or man which stress products beyond design limits or otherundesirable influences.5. Normal “wear and tear”.
MK Battery considers AGM batteries to be suitable for light duty mobility equipment only. AGM batteriesused in more robust applications such as complex rehab mobility devices, where daily deep discharges arethe norm, may void the warranty.
Any storage of batteries shall be at an ambient temperature of 77°F or less and user shall give a fresheningcharge to all batteries every six months.
MK Battery shall not be liable to purchaser/distributor, or to any other person, either directly or by wayof indemnification, for consequential, incidental, special or direct damages, whether the claim for anysuch damages is based on warranty, tort, contract, or otherwise.
Shipping / Returns
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$219.00 USD